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Many days have passed since I woke up

From the snooze at window seat of the local train

It has been many days since I lay down on moist grass

Watching the brightening eastern sky

It was many days ago that I got drenched

In the starlight of no moon night

It was long time back that I cleared my way

From the shrubs of the hill top     

It has been long since I tried       

To gather the moon rays entering my bedroom

It was distant past that I got titillated

In the sprinkles of old film songs               

It is long time since I had

Tantalizing drink session with my friends

It has been quite some time since I lost hundreds of rupees

Playing three cards with long lost friends  

For months I had no heated arguments

With my friends over the performance of a film actor

Many days have passed since I opened my heart out

and scribbled on a blank paper

I wonder whether the stranglehold of Covid-19, the world over

Has blunted my sensitive heart beats

Or the news of the deaths of known and adored persons

Has blinded the sight of my inmost mind and made me myopic

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